Adaptability quotient (AQ)

Adaptability is the most important "skill of the moment."

- LinkedIn's 2024 Most In-Demand Skills Report

the hidden cost
of change

Change initiatives are inherently risky. Your first step is to recognize what is known and unknown, planned or unplanned. This awareness is key to effectively prepare for and manage change.

  1. Assume your people are adaptable enough to survive the headwinds of change.
  2. Quantify how adaptable your people are, ensuring they are equipped to navigate these changes, and invest in developing your people and organization’s adaptability so they can thrive. 

When you choose the second option—investing in adaptability, you receive the benefits of:

  • Customizing your current change management strategies
  • Target upskilling and people development tied to your P&L
  • Risk mitigation – limit negative consequences while maximizing upside potential

And we make that happen through the power of AQ.

Introducing AQ

De-risk Your Change Initiatives by Measuring and Improving Adaptability at Speed and Scale.

Forbes states Adaptability to be “The Must-Have Skill in the New Era of Work.” 

The Adaptability Quotient is a revolutionary blend of behavioral sciences, innovation in skill assessment, and a framework for leaders to ask bold new questions about future readiness.

With AQ, we’ll help you quantify your workforce’s ability and deficits related to change and level up your people investment strategies for better outcomes. 

Understanding AQ

AQai’s patent-pending model for adaptability helps us understand our readiness for change by measuring:

  • Ability: how and to what degree does an individual adapt?
  • Character: who adapts and why?
  • Environment: when does someone adapt and to what degree?

These three key dimensions are expanded into 17 sub-dimensions, all specifically linked to organizational outcomes and performance.


"What gets measured gets managed."

- Peter Drucker

Adaptability is an essential skill for both individuals and organizations because it allows us to thrive in an ever-changing world, to be able to better:

  • Cope with Change
  • Respond to Challenges
  • Improve Performance
  • Embrace Innovation

Overall, adaptability is crucial for personal and professional growth, success, and resilience. By being adaptable, individuals and organizations can navigate through challenges, embrace change, and thrive in a rapidly changing world.

And you don’t have to take our word for it.

what we know from research

The Business Case for Increasing the Skill of Adaptability

  • Employees are 2.5 times more likely to have higher performance (McKinzie)
  • 22% higher shareholder return from companies with more adaptable employees (Boston Consulting Group)
  • 50% of employees must be reskilled by 2025 (World Economic Forum)
  • Adaptable employees can save an organization up to $12,000 per person (Corp. Executive Board)

AQ for Individuals

Adaptability is a critical skill at all career stages. It’s the 2024 Skill of the Moment (LinkedIn Learning). 

  • Quantify your change readiness based on 17 research-validated metrics
  • Receive your personalized report with valuable insights to “level up” your skills
  • Compare your AQ to thousands of people globally

Measure your AQ to gain valuable insight into your current strengths and areas for ongoing development.

AQ for Teams

Is your team thriving or just merely surviving? Modern people leaders must recognize how the changing environment impacts the employee experience.  Did you know?

  • 43% of employees do not have a positive work experience or are not excited to be at work.
  • 23% of employees think the expected work is too high.


Turn to the power of AQ to discover new insights about your team. Become the new leader of change! Available for five or more employees.

for organizations

Unlock the power of the ability to measure Adaptability to gain new insights into your workforce’s capacity for change.  Level up your organizational development strategies for higher return on people investments in the following areas:

  • Reskilling & Upskilling
  • Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Digit Transformation
  • Employee Retention
  • Leadership Development
  • Change Management


Innovative organizations with forward-thinking strategies adopt AQ as an advanced key performance indicator. 

there are many reasons to START

Companies with more adaptable employees had a 22% higher total shareholder return. (Boston Consulting Group)

Adaptable employees can save organizations up to $12,000 per employee per year due to their ability to learn quickly (Corporate Executive Board)

91% of managers say a candidate’s fit with the organizational culture is equal to or more important than their skills and experience. Cultural fit is directly linked to adaptability. (Robert Half)

79% of CEOs consider adaptability and innovation among their employees’ top three most desirable skills to drive business growth. (PwC)

The most important competencies for leaders to develop are adaptability and agility. This is especially true given the ongoing and fast-paced changes in the business environment. (Harvard Business Review)

Companies with a more agile workforce experienced a 25% increase in productivity. (Korn Ferry)

50% of employees must be reskilled by 2025 due to several forms of rapid change. (World Economic Forum)

Companies with adaptable employees can decrease their product development and time-to-market cycles by up to 20% (Accenture)

82% of company leaders plan to allow employees to work remotely sometimes, requiring adaptable employees who can thrive in changing environments. (Gartner)

Highly resilient workers are 45% more likely to report high productivity levels than those with low resilience scores. (ADP Research Institute)

Employees with high adaptability are 2.5 times more likely to have higher performance (McKinzie)

Organizations managing change effectively are three times more likely to report low levels of stress-related absence. (CIPD)

passionate coaches, Trainers, & NAVIGATORS

At Omni Touchpoint, we help individuals, teams, and organizations excel in a fast-changing environment.

Our Founder and CEO, Pete van Overwalle, leveraged over 34 years of diverse experience, including personal, professional, philanthropic, and a never-ending lifelong faith-based journey to create our firm. 

His contributions to the field have helped countless organizations navigate change more effectively, fostering resilience and adaptability in an ever-evolving world.

Click the button below to learn more about Pete and Omni Touchpoint or schedule a discovery meeting to begin working toward your purpose-driven future. 

working with us


While it’s not rocket science, change is complex and rapidly evolving. However, it’s now easier than ever to assess your relationship with change and chart a course to increase this critical skill for increased fulfillment.

Let’s discuss how the AQ can be applied to you, your team, or your organization. If you are a people leader, you may qualify for a complimentary assessment.

schedule a discovery call

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